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Learning a new language takes lots of time and lots of practice. A few points to remember:


  • We all learn best when we are in an environment where we do not feel anxious or fear failure or ridicule.

  • The more instructional supports we can provide during instruction, the better understanding students will gain of the concepts we are introducing.

  • Examples of instructional supports include: realia (real-life objects), manipulatives, pictures, illustrations, diagrams, videos, models, graphic organizers, timelines, and working in cooperative grouping structures such as partners and triads.

  • Parents should not be discouraged from speaking their native language to their children. Students can better learn English when they understand the concepts in their first language.

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Follow this link to "A Guide for the General Education Teacher: Working with English" on LiveBinders. (You have to be signed in with your WCPSS account).

This guide is located on WCPSS Learning Central under Department Resources.

ELLs need lots of support with writing. Models of expected writing assignments must be shared. Use of writing frames is extremely helpful. Writing frames can be created and used for any writing genre. You can begin with simple sentence frames such as I like to______________ and move on to more elaborate frames for comparing and contrasting and essays. Click on the writing frames files below to see samples.

In addition, ELLs will not have the vocabulary to generate lots of details. Word banks, picture dictionaries, word books, lists of adjectives, and other supports should be used so students can be supported in writing. 


Colorin Colorado is a bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners. There are articles, printable resources for classroom teachers, parent handouts and more. There are even webcasts that teachers can watch on effective practices for ELLs. Click on the link to check it out.

For children who do not speak English as a first language, this website provides an excellent environment for practicing basic pre and early reading skills such as letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. The activities are available in English, French, German, and Spanish. Click on the link.

There are lessons and tons of student, web-based interactives such as ABC matching, Comic Creator, and Word Family Sort. Awesome literacy site.


*new to the United States
*little to no English
*feels overwhelmed by new language, new school, new food, new people, new everything

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*Please note students progress at independent rates depending on previous schooling, acculturation, and motivation. Students with no previous schooling will take longer to progress through these stages. Please remember some English Language Learners  have extensive language ability in their first language.


Ten Quick Tips for Working with Your Newcomers


  • Use pictures, display print with verbal instructions and model all assignments/activities

  • Provide bilingual peer buddy (if available)

  • Utilize teacher assistant or parent volunteers (if available)

  • Avoid individual, independent assignments and use cooperative learning groups

  • Allow student to copy from teacher or other students

  • Adjust rate of speech to aid comprehension

  • Use Google Translate on iPad for basic words

  • Use web-based apps or computer programs (eg. Starfall, Literacy Center, RAZ-Kids)

  • Preteach vocabulary (use visuals, videos, chants)




©2020 by Wakefield Elementary ESL. Some materials provided by Forestville Road ES ESL team. Proudly created  by Evgenii Demidenko with

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